
148 Art Reviews

44 w/ Responses

Senpai's expression is g o l d e n
The eyes, the scorn, the grimace, the disheveled appearance - 10/10

But you're right, this scene is hilarious, and you did a great job illustrating it. I think Boyfriend has achieved the epitome of social interaction - soon we shall all return to beep.

BenzBT responds:

So fun drawing expression, thank you!

Hehe, you make me flattered every time. Alright everyone says it out loud together "BEEP"--

The immaculate trio strikes again :0

Aw, what a cute squishy 'mon :D

Ahh what a cute design :D
This blob child seems like they have a chill vibe - derpy face, funny stance, just good things all around

Ah yes, how could I forget my favorite Pico game: Undercover in a Cat Girl Cafe

In all seriousness, the expression and line-work are golden

It kind of looks like a flesh.. plane.. whale? Welp, whatever it is, I love the line-work :D

lmao absolutely majestic

Boyfriend better be careful not to piss Pico off or he's gonna end up with a bullet in his head - but then again, maybe he gets a thrill from living on the edge.

Also, Pico and Boyfriend are eye to eye. Does this mean Pico is also smol??

BenzBT responds:

Oww that sounds horrible, but bf is a tough guy (meybe--) he can handle it

Eh noo Pico not smol but bf is tall for now lol

Once again, Benz strikes again with more wholesome vibes. You always nail Girlfriend's expression - the eyes especially. I feel like her face adds more layers to the piece because she's so vibrant.

Might I add that Boyfriend is really living up to his namesake. I find it kind of funny how he looks.. bewildered? Like, he wants to comfort her but he doesn't really know how, but he continues forward anyway.

Woah, more awesome art :0
I really like the upward perspective that emphasizes the magnitude of the house, along with its many intricate details. Towards the bottom of the image, I appreciate the cat and the tiny human reflected in the picturesque pools of water.

rvhomweg responds:

thank you so much for the detailed feedback! <3

i'm regretti spaghetti

Age 21, Female

ultimate sad


United States of Awful

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